Modeling of the Magnetic Field of Current Carrying Conductor with Finite Elements Method



Magnetic field, Conductor, Modeling, Finite Element Method


In this paper, we have modeled and simulated the magnetic field of the conductor by using the finite element method, which is incorporated in Ansoft Maxwell software. Modeling and simulation are done for a conductor and two conductors located at a small distance between them. Our study is based on the method of finite elements and Biot-Savart law for calculating the magnetic field depending on the distance from the conductor. We have observed that the calculated values of the magnetic field are in good accordance with Biot-Savart law [1]. We have found that magnetic field normal to the main axis of the conductor falls linearly towards it, whereas outside the conductor magnetic field is inversely proportional to distance. In the case of simultaneous calculation of the field inside and outside the conductor, a small margin has been found. This difference is as a result of the simultaneous calculation of magnetic field in two environments with different magnetic permeability. Finally, we have computed the magnetic field at an equal point between two conductors when the currents have opposite and same direction, whereby a huge difference between the magnetic fields is found. We show that we can amplify or reduce the intensity of the magnetic field, based not only on the distance between the conductors but also on the basis of the directions of the currents flowing through these conductors.




How to Cite

HUSEJNİ, H., SYLA , N., NAFEZİ, G., & ALİAJ, F. (2021). Modeling of the Magnetic Field of Current Carrying Conductor with Finite Elements Method. International Journal of Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering, 7(3), 110–113. Retrieved from



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