Design and Economic Analysis of a Grid-Tied Microgrid Using Homer Software




Microgrid, Renewable Energy Sources, Economic Analysis


The demand for electrical energy is increasing due to reasons such as economic growth, industrialization and electrification. The world responds to a large part of this electricity demand with fossil fuel-based production. However, the constraints on the sustainability of fossil resources and the negative effects of fossil-based production on nature have made renewable energy one of the most talked about concepts in the energy sector in recent years. After Russian – Ukrainian conflict, the effects of political crises between countries were seen in the field of energy, and many countries faced the risk of energy supply and high pricing policies. With its easy integration of renewable energy and its structure that reduces dependency in energy, Microgrids (MGs) are important for the energy systems of the future. However, the environmental dependence of renewable energy prevents it from being used as an absolute energy source in systems. In this study, a microgrid design for the city of Duquesne, USA whose main sources of electricity generation are solar and wind, has been realized and electrical and economic analyzes have been made over different scenarios as grid-tied, limited grid activation and standalone. Scenarios are evaluated on Net Present Value (NPV), Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE), installation cost and renewable penetration. The grid-tied scenario, which reduces the LCOE by around 33% compared to the existing grid has been determined as the most economic option.


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How to Cite

DAYIOĞLU, M., & ÜNAL, R. (2024). Design and Economic Analysis of a Grid-Tied Microgrid Using Homer Software. International Journal of Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering, 10(3).



Research Article