Examinationof the Highway Between Isparta-Ağlasun (Burdur) in Terms of Mass Movement SusceptibilityGeographic Information Systems
Mass movement, Geographic Information System, Analytic Hierarchy Process, AğlasunAbstract
In our country, mass-ground movements such as landslides, rockfalls and avalanches are the most common types of disasters after earthquakes in terms of their destructive effects. The aim of the study is to determine the susceptibility of mass movements on sloping surfaces along the Isparta-Ağlasun road route. The study area includes approximately 41 kilometres of highway route between Isparta city centre and Ağlasun districts and its surroundings. Steep slopes on the road, loose soil properties in places, and torrential rains cause frequent rock falls, slope debris and mud flows on the study area. It is extremely important to identify the areas susceptible to ground movements along the route in order to take necessary precautions and prevent future loss of life and property. For this purpose, the parameters that are thought to cause mass movements along the road route were evaluated together with Geographical Information Systems programme and Analytical Hierarchy Method and the areas sensitive to low-medium-high and very high mass movements along the route were determined. The sensitivity map obtained was supported by field observations. With this study, areas sensitive to mass movements along the route were mapped and a database was created to help local administrators and planners.
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