Measurement of Tremors for the Seismic Station of Gllogovc-Kosovo


  • Nazmi HASI University of Mitrovica Isa Boletini
  • Latif HASI International Learning School
  • Besire CENA



noise, wave, seismicity, earthquake


To select a potential location for a future seismological station properly, it is of crucial importance to explore the existing local seismic tremor recorded by seismographs. This tremor/noise is referred to as seismic tremor, whereas it is necessary to define as precisely as possible its spectral characteristics. It is very important that the station location be as quiet as possible because the seismic noise can obscure the records at the selected location for seismic station. Therefore, in addition to other geophysical methods, it is of particular importance to define the spectral characteristics of the local tremor at the investigated sites.Seismic noise measurements were made at seismic station of Gllogovc - Kosovo. It is very important that the station location be as quiet as possible because the seismic noise can obscure the records at the selected 8 locations for seismic stations.Seismologists are necessary for such investigations.Considering the requirement regarding their sensitivity and resolution,geophones are not recommended to be used. Still, geophones were also used in these measurements for the purpose of comparing the obtained results.  The most important requirement that should be fulfilled is that the instrumental noise of the seismometres be much lower than the level of the natural seismic noise at the location.


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How to Cite

HASI, N., HASI, L., & CENA, B. (2024). Measurement of Tremors for the Seismic Station of Gllogovc-Kosovo. International Journal of Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering, 10(2).



Research Article