Magnetic stratigraphy of Paleogene rocks of West Gobustan (Azerbaijan)


  • Tahmina Garayeva Institute of Geology and Geophysics of the Ministry of Science and Education of Azerbaijan Republic
  • Zohrab NOVRUZOV
  • Adilaxanum BABAYEVA



reater Caucasus, Paleogene, biomagnitostratigraphy


On the territory of Azerbaijan, Paleogene deposits are widespread and often have facies alteration.This article presents the results of joint magnetostratigraphic and biostratigraphic studies of Paleogene deposits of Western Gobustan (Azerbaijan) in order to clarify the boundaries of the Paleocene, Eocene, Oligocene and Miocene. Paleogene deposits of the southern slope of Western Gobustan were chosen as the object of research. Paleomagnetic studies of the Azerbaijan’s Paleogene deposits showed frequent reversals of the geomagnetic field on the period. As a result of research the southern slope of the West Gobustan, the fact  (frequent reversals of the geomagnetic field on the period) was confirmed. In the Lower Paleocene the two subzones of direct polarity were distinguished: Danian and Mons. The position of the reversal zone (R-zone) made it possible to draw the boundary between the Danian and Mons stages. The identification of a reversal paleomagnetic zone (reverse polarity) contributed to the determination of the boundary between the Mons and Tenes stages.  


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How to Cite

Garayeva, T., Kheyran ALLAKHVERDİYEVA, Zohrab NOVRUZOV, & Adilaxanum BABAYEVA. (2024). Magnetic stratigraphy of Paleogene rocks of West Gobustan (Azerbaijan). International Journal of Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering, 10(4).



Research Article