Survey of Multiple Destination Route Discovery Protocols


  • Reem Jafar Ismail Cihan University- Erbil
  • Samar Jaafar Ismael Department of Electromechanical Engineering- University of Technology
  • Dr. Sara Raouf Muhamad Amin Department of Information System Engineering- Erbil Polytechnic University
  • Wassan Adnan Hashim Medical Instruments Techniques Department- AlQAlam University College
  • Israa Tahseen Ali Department of Computer Science- University of Technology



Multiple destinations, Route discovery protocols , Artificial intelligence


Route discovery protocols for multiple destination is one of the most interesting research topics since it is applied for real-world applications and needed in smart cities services such as: delivery services. The inclusion of artificial intelligence can improve the performance of multiple destination route discovery protocols. In this paper, we studied and analyzed multiple destination route discovery protocols based on different search strategies especially artificial intelligent methods. The survey compares between multiple destination route discovery protocols relate to its applications and implementation tools.


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How to Cite

Jafar Ismail, R., Samar Jaafar Ismael, Dr. Sara Raouf Muhamad Amin, Wassan Adnan Hashim, & Israa Tahseen Ali. (2024). Survey of Multiple Destination Route Discovery Protocols. International Journal of Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering, 10(3).



Review Article