An Enhancement for Wireless Body Area Network Using Adaptive Algorithms




Wireless body area networks, WBAN adaptive algorithms, WBAN energy efficiency, IoT integration, WBAN emerging applications, healthcare IT


Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) are one of the most critical technologies for maintaining constant monitoring of patient’s health and diagnosing diseases. They consist of small, wearable wireless sensors transmitting signals. Within this vision, WBANs are not without unique difficulties, for instance, high energy consumption, heat from the sensor, and impaired data accuracy. This paper introduces adaptive algorithms combining Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and dynamic threshold mechanisms to enhance the performance and energy efficiency of Wireless Body Area Networks. The study utilizes the MIB-BIH Arrhythmias dataset to improve the detection of arrhythmias. The results show a 10.53% improvement in battery life and a 5.62-fold enhancement in temperature management when sleep mode technology is applied. As a result, the model reached the average accuracy of ECG classification of 98% and a high level of selectivity and sensitivity to a normal type of heartbeat and quite satisfactory results in the classification of arrhythmia type of heartbeat.

Author Biographies

Mohammed Radhi, University of Technology

Mohammed Radhi Majeed was born in Baghdad, Iraq in 1995, he obtained a bachelor's degree in computer science from "Al-Rafidain University College" (R.U.C), in 2017-2018. I was accepted to the "University of Technology "(UOT), Department of Computer Science for graduate studies in 2021-2022 Research interests are network communications, programming, and especially custom wireless networks, to develop many scientific fields My review title is "Enhancement WBANs Using Adaptive Algorithms," we seek to address some of the key challenges in the field, such as improving data transmission and sensor energy efficiency.

Israa Tahseen, University of Technology

Asst. Prof. Dr. Israa Tahseen Ali was born in Baghdad, Iraq in 1980. She received the Science degree, M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree in computer science from "University of Technology" (UOT), Baghdad, Iraq, in 2002, 2005 and 2009, respectively.

She was a lecturer at the Department of Computer Science at UOT from 2002 until now. Her research interests include network communication and programming especially wireless ad hoc networks, data mining, and using web programming to develop many scientific fields.

She finished Web Design and programming, Computer network, Internet Architecture training courses. She is member of M. Sc. and Ph.D. for evaluation and promotion committee in several Iraqi Universities, especially in “University of Technology” (UOT), Baghdad, Iraq. She is also a member in communication and networks Scientific Committee, and Scientific Promotions Committee at the Department of Computer Science in “University of Technology” (UOT), Baghdad, Iraq. She works as reviewer in many local and international journals and conferences.



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How to Cite

Radhi, M., & Tahseen, I. (2024). An Enhancement for Wireless Body Area Network Using Adaptive Algorithms. International Journal of Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering, 10(3).



Research Article