Exploring Divergent Thinking in India: A Systematic Review of Adolescent Studies


  • Sandhiya V Vellore Institute of Technology
  • Mohanraj Bhuvaneswari




Divergent thinking, Convergent thinking, Creativity;


In the current trends, DT is given more attention and has gained greater importance than in the past. It is an extremely useful for students for developing skills, as it is useful not only in the academic context but also in their personal and professional lives. The present systematic literature review research is a comprehensive analysis of the available literature related to DT studies that have been carried out in the Indian context, with specific reference to the student community. This study attempts to assess the Indian DT research and across the global research studies, such as the sample size, method of the study in accordance with the PRISMA guidelines. A bibliometric analysis is performed using Vos software to identify the keywords. The study reveals that the number of research studies that have been done in India with reference to DT is just a tiny fraction when compared to those done on a global scale. Most of the DT-related studies carried out in India have targeted professional courses such as engineering and management studies. Only few studies have considered school students as subjects. Most studies are experimental and intervention based. Due to the identified knowledge gap, the current study recommends that a greater number of research studies be undertaken on fostering DT in schoolchildren, encouraging them to explore multiple ideas. Such studies would suggest ways to cultivate the creative potential for DT among students at an early developmental age, as it would be greatly beneficial in transforming their professional and personal lives for the better.


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How to Cite

V, S., & Mohanraj Bhuvaneswari. (2024). Exploring Divergent Thinking in India: A Systematic Review of Adolescent Studies. International Journal of Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering, 10(4). https://doi.org/10.22399/ijcesen.472



Research Article