Optimal Speed Control of Hybrid Stepper Motors through Integrating PID Tuning with LFD-NM Algorithm


  • Deepa S Nehru Institute of Engineering & Technology
  • venkatesh C
  • Maheswaran M
  • S.Archana Devi
  • Jayaprakash T




PID Controller , optimization, Levy Flight Distribution Method


In order to regulate the speed of hybrid stepper motors (HSM), this work presents an optimally tuned proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller. The combination of algorithms known as the combined Levy flight distribution and Nelder Mead (LFD-NM) method essentially considers it unique to tune the PID. The accurate local search properties of the Nelder Mead (NM) technique are combined with the exploratory capabilities of the Levy flight distribution (LFD) algorithm in this method. A combination LFD-NM approach improves PID controller parameter optimisation efficiency by striking a balance between exploration and exploitation. The efficacy of the suggested method is validated by comparative simulations against the original LFD algorithm and many metaheuristic algorithms including cuckoo search and genetic algorithms. The assessment of performance includes statistical testing, robustness analysis, management of load disturbances, evaluation of energy efficiency, assessment of transient and frequency responses, and consideration of control signal constraints. Additional experimental verification confirms that a recommended LFD-NM-based PID controller is successful. Analyses conducted in comparison with the latest PID controllers demonstrate its exceptional efficacy in attaining ideal control over the speed of hybrid stepper motors (HSM)


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How to Cite

S, D., C, venkatesh, M, M., S.Archana Devi, & T, J. (2024). Optimal Speed Control of Hybrid Stepper Motors through Integrating PID Tuning with LFD-NM Algorithm. International Journal of Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering, 10(4). https://doi.org/10.22399/ijcesen.489



Research Article