Assessment of Bond Strength in Bamboo-Reinforced Concrete


  • Vivek Pahuja Department of Civil Engineering, University Teaching Department, CSVTU, Bhilai
  • Pradeep Kumar Ghosh University Teaching Department, CSVTU, Bhilai



Bamboo, Bamboo-reinforced concrete, Concrete, Bond strength, Pull-out test


Bamboo, a sustainable and eco-friendly material, has been utilized in construction for centuries. With the increasing focus on green building practices, bamboo is gaining recognition as a feasible option for reinforcing concrete. Its affordability and high strength-to-weight ratio have sparked significant interest. However, natural bamboo faces challenges such as poor compatibility with concrete, and insufficient stiffness, which hinder its widespread use. Additionally, the dimensional instability of bamboo due to moisture and temperature fluctuations can result in de-bonding, significantly weakening bond strength. To overcome these limitations, improving the inherent properties of bamboo through various treatments is crucial for its effective application as concrete reinforcement. This paper comprehensively reviews multiple techniques used to incorporate bamboo into concrete, comparing bond strength results and analyzing the factors that influence bond performance. The review identifies optimal solutions for the effective use of bamboo as a sustainable reinforcement in construction.


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How to Cite

Pahuja, V., & Ghosh, P. K. (2024). Assessment of Bond Strength in Bamboo-Reinforced Concrete. International Journal of Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering, 10(4).



Research Article