Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in Photonic Nanoplates





Electromagnetic wave propagation, Eringen’s model, Nanomaterials


In this study, an investigation into the behaviour of electromagnetic wave propagation in a nanoplate, utilizing Eringen’s model, which is rooted in nonlocal theory, is conducted. This model accounts for the interaction of atoms that are at a significant distance from each other. The objective of this study is to derive solutions that incorporate both local and nonlocal calculations. The focus of this study revolves around the material property parameter values of the nanoplate and the impact of nano coefficients (nonlocal parameters) on the electromagnetic wave propagation behaviour. Additionally, the frequency and wave amplitude values of the electromagnetic wave propagation are determined. By implementing Eringen’s model, a comprehensive understanding of how electromagnetic waves traverse a nanoplate, considering the influence of nano coefficients on the electromagnetic wave propagation behaviour, and identifying the frequency and amplitude of the electromagnetic waves as they propagate through the nanoplate is explored. The solutions encompass both local and nonlocal calculations are aimed to derive. By using this model, a solution that accounts for both local and nonlocal calculations and examines how electromagnetic waves travel through a nanoplate, the effect of nano coefficients on electromagnetic wave propagation behaviour, and the frequency and amplitude of the electromagnetic waves as they propagate through the nanoplate is obtained.


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How to Cite

BASMACI, A. N., & FİLİZ, S. (2024). Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in Photonic Nanoplates . International Journal of Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering, 10(4). https://doi.org/10.22399/ijcesen.581



Research Article