Hybrid Ensemble Lightweight Cryptosystem for Internet of Medical Things Security
Internet of Medical Things, Hybrid ensemble lightweight, cryptosystem, Probabilistic rivest cipher, Modified MFBCAbstract
Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) is a fast-developing area that includes the use of connected medical devices to enhance patient care and expedite the procedures involved in the delivery of healthcare. Concerns about the safety and confidentiality of patient information are a roadblock to the broad use of telemedicine technologies like IoMT. Encryption is an essential part of IoMT security, and there is a wide variety of encryption methods that are used to safeguard sensitive patient data. This work implemented a hybrid ensemble lightweight cryptosystem (HELC) using probabilistic rivest cipher 6 (PRC6) encryption and modified feistel block cipher (MFBC) approaches. Initially, the data from users are applied to PRC6 encryption, which is symmetrical encryption and provides security at in abstract level. So, to provide more security to data, the MBFC is applied to PRC6 outcome. Then, the resultant data transferred over the IoMT environment to the destination. Finally, the MBFC decryption and PRC6 decryption operations are performed at receiver side, which resulted in decrypted outcome. The simulations results show that the proposed HELC consumed 0.0021 seconds of encryption time, and 0.000276 seconds of decryption time, which are lesser as compared to other approaches.
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