Visual comfort is one of the human needs in patient isolation rooms
Visual comfort, personal safety, security, quality of life, internal environmentAbstract
Lighting passed through many stages, as the need for it has appeared since ancient times. To increase the level of lighting during the day, artificial lighting is sometimes used to create a state of integration to compensate for the areas where light does not reach within it. This causes a condition of anxiety and disturbance. The current research addresses the study of the efficiency of natural lighting within healthcare buildings, specifically patient isolation rooms, which requires more of this sample of research. As natural lighting is provided within the vacuum of the patient’s isolation room, one of the causes of comfort, specifically visual comfort, The isolation room reduces stress and reflects positively on the patient’s psychological condition, to achieve comfort, calm and relaxation. It is a basic requirement for the quality of human life in healthcare facilities, as stated in Egypt’s Agenda 2030, which emphasizes supporting patients and providing all necessary means for their safety and security.
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