Classification of diabetic retinopathy grades using CNN feature extraction to segment the lesion
Diabetic retinopathy, CNN feature extraction, Classification, Microvascular, ReLUAbstract
Diabetes's microvascular aftereffect, diabetic retinopathy (DR), is the primary cause of eyesight loss in the globe. In order to prevent vision impairment and to intervene promptly, early detection and precise classification of DR severity are essential. Using standard methods for diagnosing DR requires ophthalmologists to grade cases by hand, a process that can be laborious, subjective, and subject to observer error. In supervised learning task of classification, data instances are classified into predefined classes based on features. The relation between the traits and the classes can be found from the labelled data. After the training is completed, the classes of the unseen data. The frequent reason found for the loss of vision in diabetic retinopathy (DR) is found to be diabetes. Visual damage can be prevented by identifying the degree of DR at right time. For the grading of the DR, deep learning techniques are found to be very effective with maximum possible accuracy. The proposed model is useful in accurately classifying the DR images using the feature extraction with lesion segmentation, by implementing the patterns in the DR images. ReLU activation function is used in the proposed model. CNN feature extraction is used for the important feature extraction by applying the Convolution layers, and edges, textures, and forms are identified. As the model proceeds layer by layer, complicated patterns in the photos can be learned by the model, and can be analysed better. The features of the photos were extracted and found useful in segmentation and classification. ReLU is helpful in improving the convergence and also found useful in learning the patterns. Among the other activation functions, ReLU has higher computational efficiency and therefore is used in the model, which suits well for the DR application. A strong framework is proposed for the classification of the DR grade, for the lesion segmentation and CNN feature extraction. DR categorization using the proposed model is evaluated by data visualization of the important calculated metrics and found to be very effective.
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