Yarns Emitting Far Infrared Rays



Bioceramic, Yarn, Infrared, Healthy textiles


Infrared radiation refers to electromagnetic radiation whose wavelength is longer than visible light, but shorter than terahertz and microwave radiation. Far infrared radiation (FIR) denotes radiation that is considered a kind of infrared radiation and includes wavelengths between 5.6-1000 micron. These rays are emitted by sun rays, human body, metals and some minerals. The positive effect of these rays on human health has already been mentioned and they are widely used especially in Far East countries in textile products and saunas. For the textile products to emit such rays, the fibres or fabrics are required to gain some features. For this purpose, bioseramic powder is applied to the fibres and hence the textile becomes able to emit far infrared rays. This study deals with yarns that have acquired the ability to emit far infrared rays and their usage areas in textile. This review examines bioceramic powders, black body, production of FIR emitting yarns, features of yarns, various usage areas and future trends by means of literature review method.




How to Cite

YÜCE, İsmail. (2018). Yarns Emitting Far Infrared Rays. International Journal of Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering, 4(3), 34–38. Retrieved from https://ijcesen.com/index.php/ijcesen/article/view/74



Research Article