Organisational and Job Satisfaction: A Decade of Research Trends, Systematic Mapping, and Bibliometric Analysis
Organisational commitment, Job satisfaction, Bibliometric analysisAbstract
This study presents a comprehensive systematic review and bibliometric analysis of research on organizational commitment and job satisfaction from 2014 to 2023. Using specific inclusion criteria, 295 relevant papers were identified from the Scopus database. The findings reveal a strong correlation between job satisfaction and various organizational commitment outcomes, including turnover intention, performance, and innovation. The bibliometric analysis uncovered leading journals, authors, and institutions in the field, as well as keywords and collaboration patterns. The study also highlighted some challenges in the research, such as inconsistent definitions of major concepts and geographic clustering in publication patterns. Areas identified for future research include examining new organizational structures and the impact of technology on employee attitudes. The review emphasizes the continued importance of organizational commitment and job satisfaction as critical factors in modern workplaces. This systematic review provides a valuable resource for both researchers and practitioners in the field of organizational behavior and human resource management. It offers a holistic view of the current state of research on organizational commitment and job satisfaction, identifying trends, gaps, and opportunities for future studies. The findings underscore the need for continued focus on these concepts in understanding and improving workplace dynamics in the contemporary business environment.
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