Bringing Context into IoT: Vision and Research Challenges
IoT, context-awareness, sensorsAbstract
The Internet of Things (IoT) has undergone a remarkable transformation, linking an extensive array of devices far beyond traditional computers and smartphones. This intricate network facilitates seamless communication and data interchange, leading to more astute devices and systems capable of revolutionizing myriad industries. Context-awareness with its synthesis with IoT can enable us to mobilize considerate areas of IoT that have to been explored yet. Context-Aware (CA) IoT systems possess the ability to adapt and respond to ever-changing environments, delivering personalized and anticipatory services. The evolution of IoT now encompasses everyday appliances, wearable technology, and industrial frameworks. This expansion augments connectivity and data interchange, fostering automation and valuable insights across diverse domains. Driven by advancements in sensors, wireless communication, cloud computing, and data analytics, IoT finds applications in various domains. Context-awareness is indispensable for personalized and efficient IoT services, attuning to user preferences and dynamic environmental factors. The focus of current research is on innovating CA systems with heightened responsiveness and inter-device collaboration. The vision is to craft intelligent ecosystems with proactive behavior, enriching user experiences, and optimizing Resource Utilization (RU). Moreover, CA IoT significantly contributes to energy efficiency and environmental conservation. Embracing context-awareness in IoT heralds a more interconnected, efficient, and intelligent global landscape.
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