Subjective Clustering Approach by Edge detection for construction remodelling with dented construction materials


  • D. Neguja Department of Computational Logistics, Alagappa University,Karaikudi,India
  • A. Senthilrajan Registrar Department of Computational logistics, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, India



Subjective, clustering, edge detection, Dented images construction, remodelling


An approach for Construction remodelling with subjective clustering with edge detection is at hand in this evaluation. The available subjective edge detection clustering approach processes a verdict weight on comparison of trait edge vector of a c dataset by existing intellectual thinking to the crisis. The proposed approach identifies subjective clusters on dented materials by detecting edges with high velocity, weight and area. The consistent weight factor of the material is the choose for clustering and added to form load in construction material by detecting the proper edges with enlarge in the edification statistics to the method in edge detection for construction materials. The edge vector is the direction value of the material. This leads to formation in convolution creation. The orderly correlating is civilized by the clustering technique of big dataset in order. However, the problem of information clustering is experiential to be limited with increase in training dataset and attribute of knowledge data. To conquer the matter of subjective clustering, a subjective w-means clustering approach with expand issue is intended. This approach improves the cluster data by using double feature observing of edges and increase constraint. The obtainable approach exemplify an upgrading in the removal presentation in conditions of correctness, compassion and suggest the more velocity


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How to Cite

D. Neguja, & A. Senthilrajan. (2024). Subjective Clustering Approach by Edge detection for construction remodelling with dented construction materials. International Journal of Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering, 10(4).



Research Article