Impact of Newly Planned Detectors on the Standard Model Analysis of pp → W+Z at the HL-LHC
High Luminosity LHC (HLLHC), Standard Model Physics, Detector Performance, Particle-Flow Reconstruction, CMS DetectorAbstract
The High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) promises unprecedented sensitivity
to Standard Model (SM) processes and new physics scenarios. This study focuses
on the production of pp → W+Z, with subsequent decays W+ → ℓ+ νe and Z → ℓ+ ℓ−.
We explore the impact of planned detector upgrades on precision measurements and
sensitivity to Beyond Standard Model (BSM) phenomena. Using insights from simulations,
this paper highlights the role of advanced detectors in improving reconstruction,
reducing uncertainties, and extending the discovery reach in vector boson interactions.
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