Dynamic Licensed and Unlicensed Spectrum Assignment Technique for 6G Wireless Systems


  • Anita Patil Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, S.G. Balekundri Institute of Technology affiliated to Visveswaraya Technological University, Karnataka, India
  • Sridhar Iyer Professor, Department of ECE, KLE Technological University Dr. MSSCET, Karnataka, India - 590008.
  • Sidramayya Swamy Matad Associate Professor, Department of ECE, S.G. Balekundri Institute of Technology affiliated to Visveswaraya Technological University, Karnataka, India - 590010.
  • Jagannath Jadhav Professor and HOD, Department of ECE, KLE’s College of Engineering and Technology, Karnataka, India - 591201




6G wireless systems, dynamic spectrum assignment, licensed and unlicensed spectrum


In this article, a dynamic licensed unlicensed spectrum assignment (DLUSA) technique is proposed enabling co-existence of 95GHz licensed Tera-Hertz (THz) spectrum and 60GHz unlicensed milli-meter (mm)-wave spectrum. In DLUSA, spectrum is assigned to small-cells (SCs) located on every floor of specific home/building of each mobile service provider (MSP) of country. Two cases are considered: (a) case 1: SCs operate only in licensed 95GHz spectrum with four MSPs, and (b) case 2: SCs operate in both, 95GHz spectrum with four MSPs and 60 GHz spectrum with an incumbent WiGig operator. Through DLUSA (i) for every MSP, required amount of 95GHz and 60GHz spectrum is found, and (ii) mean capacity (MC), spectral-efficiency (SE), energy-efficiency (EE), and cost-efficiency (CE) are evaluated. Simulations are conducted to (i) compare performance of DLUSA with static SA (SSA) technique, and (ii) evaluate MC, SE, EE, and CE for MSP1 under cases 1 and 2. The results demonstrate that DLUSA improves MC, SE, EE, and CE of MSP1 by 3 times, 1.7 times, 77%, and 65%, respectively, considering case 1; whereas, by 6.2 times, 5.3 times, 88%, and 86%, respectively, considering case 2. It is also observed that DLUSA meets SE and EE requirements of 6G wireless systems


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How to Cite

Anita Patil, Sridhar Iyer, Sidramayya Swamy Matad, & Jagannath Jadhav. (2025). Dynamic Licensed and Unlicensed Spectrum Assignment Technique for 6G Wireless Systems. International Journal of Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering, 11(2). https://doi.org/10.22399/ijcesen.1271



Research Article