The Effect of Telomerase Enzyme on Cell Aging and Cancer Formation-Treatment





Telomerase, Telomere, Aging, Cancer


Research has made the effects of the telomerase enzyme on both cellular ageing and cancer even more important. Measurement of telomerase activity appears to be a unique marker in addition to known methods for cancer diagnosis and treatment. In addition, numerous studies have shown that the reduction of telomeres shortens the life span of living cells. It is a known fact that cells with shortened lifespan age earlier and predispose to many diseases, especially cancer types. The fact that old cells are the basis for many diseases and young cells are resistant to many diseases has revealed the reality of keeping the cells young in order to prevent diseases. Studies aimed at understanding the activation of the telomerase enzyme on telomeres, have shown that this enzyme will have a positive effect on cellular rejuvenation on living cells, prolong the life span of living cells, thus preventing age-related diseases before they occur, and also making it impossible for many types of cancer that may develop due to old age to occur in the first place. Predictions such as preventing and stopping cellular senescence in human cells, providing cellular rejuvenation by reversing cellular senescence and extending human life span as much as desired are also worthy of further emphasis with the studies carried out.


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How to Cite

Akgül, E. (2024). The Effect of Telomerase Enzyme on Cell Aging and Cancer Formation-Treatment. International Journal of Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering, 10(3).



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