Mapping the Landscape of Green Investment Research




Green Investment, Bibliometric Analysis, Systematic Review


This study examines the evolution and current state of green investment research through bibliometric analysis and a systematic review. A bibliometric analysis can examine the intellectual landscape of this field including publication trends, leading countries and institutions, collaboration patterns, and key themes. Green investment research has grown significantly since the year 2014 with China leading in publication and citations. Strong international collaborations were observed, particularly between China, United States and United Kingdom. The analysis also highlights the central themes of Green Investment, Sustainable Investment, and Sustainability, along with the increasing prominence of areas like Green Finance, ESG, and Green Bonds. To get a better understanding of this rapidly evolving topic, a thorough review of the 25 most cited papers is done. This review focuses on green investment drivers and obstacles. This study gives an overview of green investment research and the interplay of enabling and constraining variables, with implications for investors, policymakers, and businesses, seeking a more sustainable future.


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How to Cite

K. M. Mohammed Radeef, & G. Velmurugan. (2025). Mapping the Landscape of Green Investment Research. International Journal of Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering, 11(1).



Research Article